Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Review

Hello Fellow Geeks as we all know Super Mario Galaxy 2 continues from Super Mario Galaxy 1. the question is does it play any different. When I first started this game I felt like wow I did this before and thought, man did Nintendo drop the ball on their prize fighter game…..

The story so far is the same with most Super Mario Games. Bowser kidnaps the Princess. Mario goes out and retrieves her. Nuff said with that the game play is similar to the first one but slowly takes things to the next level to the point where the game goes in directions and levels beyond the galaxy world. You will also have help along the way with Mario's Right Hand and Loyal Dino Yoshi where you both fly across the galaxy fighing Bowsers Baddies. You thought you seen it all in Super Mario Galaxy then you are mistaken. Nintendo didn’t disappoint when creating this sequel. When it comes to the wii titles, Super Mario is the number 1 in Nintendo’s arsenal. A lot of the levels the game is similar to the original but once you get into it the game delivers new and unique challenges. For example levels change with a flick of a button, Mario will be pulled up to the ceiling of a level into the floor, and pipes that Mario enters in a closed area take you inside the planet where a whole new world emerges. The Graphics are visually stunning and beautiful as well as colorful on you HDTV. The Sound is also superb as you here the sounds of classic Mario to the new renditions of the galaxy planets around you, who says in space no one can here you scream…. Well maybe not scream but at least Mario makes a jump sound and you hear it nice and clear on your tv, lol. The Game play like I said is similar to the first game but gets challenging once you progress through it. Overall The game is fun for all ages as well as the hardcore Mario Fans out there. You will not be disappointed buying this game.

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