Monday, May 4, 2015

Baby Cakes International.

I know that usually on my blog that I post things from video games to action figures to funky little trinkets that come to the front of my desk. More recently then none there was something that came across my desk that I couldn't keep to myself. It wasn't a trinket it wasn't a toy or a video game. It was a baker and her name is Sue Lisa Lee she is the founder and baker of Baby Cakes INT.

She is the creator of some great baked goods. Some of which are amazingly creative and most importantly delicious. Most notable of the delicious baked good she makes are her Cake Jars. As featured in the picture below are just a few of the ones that she makes.

From top to bottom. Banana Pudding, Cinnabon, Peanit Butter Caramel and last but certainly not least Smores. 
The Cake Jar that I purchased was Mint Chocolate Chip and it was amazing. The Cake Jars are setup like small Tiramisu. It starts out with a bottom layer of cake from there it continues with mint cream then more cake ending with fudge and one more layer of mint cream with some chocolate chips. I am not really a sweets guy but this jar was so freaking amazing. It was the right amount of chocolate and the right amount (now I am a crazy mint guy) of mint in every bite. I have to say it again it was freaking amazing. It is featured in the picture below.

On the top is the Mint Chocolate Chip next to that is Tres Leches followed by Cannoli and last is Strawberry Shortcake

So if you are interested in anything from this amazing baker I am going to post a pic of her info so that if you would like you can get in touch with her. An before I forget these delicious Cake Jars aren't the only things that she bakes creates, she also does custom orders and a delicious Sweet Potato pie 

 I just wanted to share this with everyone because something this amazing should not be kept to ones self. So again if you are interested in anything feel free to email Sue and let her know what you would like. I myself am planning to order another Mint Chocolate Chip cause my niece loved it and maybe a Banana Pudding.

So Until Next Time Geeks....