Sunday, November 9, 2008

Let Holiday Gaming Begin!!

With the release of Gears of War 2 holiday gaming begins. This is my informal review of the game. I have to say right off the back Gears 2 doesnt let you down. The graphics are still great the voice acting is still great and the visual cinemas are as good as ever. But to what really matter the hours and hours and hours that you will spend playing on the multiplayer. The new Players Choice feature is awesome. They took the voting aspect of Halo 3 and made it so much better. The release of this game gives the multiplayer a few inks but all in all it is a great game. The Campaign is still as good as it was in the first Gears. It is now even longer but then again the is really easy to get tied into it and end up finishing the game in a couple of days.

Until next time geek have fun and if I dont see you on ThanksGiving have a safe and happy one.