Thursday, July 3, 2008

Wow sorry for the long wait.

It has been almost a 2 months since my last update and I am really sorry about that. Since my last update many things have happened. I am going to start with games the long awaited Metal Gear solid 4 is now out and my god is it a great game. Also alone in the dark and Guitar Hero Aerosmith is out. As for movies Wanted it out which I still need to go and see along with that Wall-E is also out which is the latest film from Disney/pixar they should just call the company Pixar because it is all Pixar doing these films Disney has lost all originality. There are only 15 days left till The Dark Knight the next installment in the new batman trilogy. I cant wait it is going to be a great film.

Well until next time geeks. Have a Happy 4th of July and have fun and remember don't hold the fireworks are lit. Again have fun and be safe.