Sunday, April 20, 2008

It all ended today.

Today was the end of the 2008 NYC Comic Con and I have to say that it was so much better than last year. I had a great time I bought a bunch of comic con exclusives and had a lot of fun. I was for a couple hours on Friday and the whole day on Saturday and Sunday. I have to say though if you wanted to have a lot of fun you should be there on Saturday or Friday because everything is a still fresh and new. Another thing that was so disappointing was that Grace Park was not there on Saturday during the Battlestar Galactica panel I did find out that she was there the day before though I missed her by a couple of hours. Everything else though was great I got to see the new Chronicles of Narnia trailer that will be shown during Iron Man. I also got to see plenty of little exerts from the new Disney Pixar movie Wall-E; I have to say that both are going to be great films and must sees during the summer. I ended the day on Saturday meeting Milo Ventimiglia I have to say he is really about the fans. most actors are not real actors in the sense that they only do it for the money and not the fans but Milo was really about the fans. The day ended very well and I can t wait till next year. I will post pics soon. Until next time

See you geeks later

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Well everyone it is that time of the month you are starting to receive new magazines among other things . This month in the new GAMEINFORMER it talks about one of the most anticipated games of the 2008-2009 holiday season. That is Gears of War 2 it give a brief walkthrough of the new characters and the second level . Some of the new characters add a new perspective to the game and I think that they will be a great new addition. To the Gears of War franchise I have high hopes for this game I just hope it does not pull a fast one like Halo 2 did. So until next time

see you later geeks.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Much like Metal gear solid 4.

Will Resident Evil 5 be the last game of the series. It has been 10 years since capcom first released Resident Evil or its Japanese counter part Biohazard. With the release of Resident Evil 4 in 2005 it revolutionized the way we look at Resident Evil games. I am happy to say that you that again for Resident Evil 5 but like I said in the title if you watch the 10 min. Interview with the games director you will see that he say at 7:19 that he want Chris to bring the Resident Evil story to and end.(click the number) I bet the fanboys will not believe it. But I do as long as they give the game a great send off it will all be worth it. Until next time

see you later.

Along with Stars and Comic book artists.

The New York Comic Con will be housing other interesting attractions for New Yorks comic book lovers. Stars to writers to artist but one of the biggest things that will be at the comic con are the new comic books. One making is debut is United Free Worlds this is the brain child from Blake Leibel and Jason Raines and published by Fantasy Prone. I have not finished it yet but from what I read it is pretty good and I cant seem to put it down I hope I can get to learn more about it at the Comic Con. So until then

see you all later

The Comic Con is almost here.

It will all start with the award ceremony honoring Stan Lee as a New York comic legend. It will be held in Time Square on Thursday April 17th if you are one of the lucky few you will be able to go to the ceremony but most wont unless they are press or spent the $300- $400 dollars for a ticket to the ceremony. After the ceremony NYC Comic Con will officially be on. I hope to see you there so until then.

see you later

Thursday, April 10, 2008

NYC Comic Con is just a week away.

From today Comic Con is just 8 days away. The weekend of the Comic Con I will be documenting everything that I am going to do there. I hope I get to do everything that I want to do, the biggest thing I want to do though is meet Grace Park and hopefully interview her for my blog. Lets keep our fingers crossed. I also hope that I will get to purchase some of the awesome merchandise that is exclusive to the Comic Con. If you want to see what some of the stuff is click here. Unitl next time geeks

see you later

Saturday, April 5, 2008

The New York Comic Con is Coming

Yes everyone it is coming in 12 days. Everyone is getting ready well every geek at least and I am one of them. I can hardly sit still I don't dress up like most that will be there but I always have a good time with all the fanboys. So many greats are going to be there along with a lot of stars for instance Grace Park the lovely Cylon from Battlestar Galactica. If you want a complete list of all the guests that are going to be there you can visit

So until next time fellow Geeks

see you later