Sunday, April 24, 2016

A few changes are coming. Hopefully for the good.

I know I know I always do this I say that some changes are coming but I never do anything. But that is going to change it has been a few weeks since I posted anything that wasn't a video I have been crazy busy lately.
Click this image so you can check out our Sound Cloud page to listen to our cast.
So first things first we are now in our second season of UNTLD Podcast we are 10 episodes in and going strong. We talk about everything from what if questions to our favorite movies and TV. To some fun stories that incorporate some of our cast members. We all have had our moments and it works. We also have some awesome guests that being the best out in us lol. So check it out I promise that you wont be disappointed.

Click on the image above to check out his profile.
More news since I haven't posted anything in a while is Im now a Mod on Twitch well not for Twitch but for my friends stream.  His name is ChrisStinky87 he is on mostly playing Destiny so check him out. Im usually in his chat. So if you have any questions or want to drop a line stop by bring some friends and chat it up.

Last but certainly not the least in the next coming weeks I will be holding a contest. In my time having this blog I have held a few and I know I dont post the winners but I have given away a few things that were awesome. So this time I thought I would give a few out to celebrate the second season of the podcast im apart of and to show that I am still here on my blog doing my thing.

Im not sure what I want to do for the contest but I damn well am sure know what I am going to give away. The prizes are (just to get you a little excited.)

2x copies of Pokemon Sun & Moon (Meaning 2 people will each win one copy of Sun or Moon their choice of digital of physical.
1x $20 PSN gift card
1x $20 Xbox gift card
1x $20 Eshop card

Again I am not sure what the contests will be but these are def going to be the prizes. 

Until Next Time Geeks......

Thursday, March 3, 2016

My Update/Haul video 2016.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Okay okay.

I know I havent posted anything new for the past 3 months and for that I am sorry I have just been busy with work. Like really busy with work.

But look out I am not part of a podcast with some friends from work and at the same time in the coming weeks I am going to be reviewing a few new figures and giving away a few at the same time.

So stay tuned and again I'm sorry about the delay in everything.

Until Next Time Geeks...

Monday, May 4, 2015

Baby Cakes International.

I know that usually on my blog that I post things from video games to action figures to funky little trinkets that come to the front of my desk. More recently then none there was something that came across my desk that I couldn't keep to myself. It wasn't a trinket it wasn't a toy or a video game. It was a baker and her name is Sue Lisa Lee she is the founder and baker of Baby Cakes INT.

She is the creator of some great baked goods. Some of which are amazingly creative and most importantly delicious. Most notable of the delicious baked good she makes are her Cake Jars. As featured in the picture below are just a few of the ones that she makes.

From top to bottom. Banana Pudding, Cinnabon, Peanit Butter Caramel and last but certainly not least Smores. 
The Cake Jar that I purchased was Mint Chocolate Chip and it was amazing. The Cake Jars are setup like small Tiramisu. It starts out with a bottom layer of cake from there it continues with mint cream then more cake ending with fudge and one more layer of mint cream with some chocolate chips. I am not really a sweets guy but this jar was so freaking amazing. It was the right amount of chocolate and the right amount (now I am a crazy mint guy) of mint in every bite. I have to say it again it was freaking amazing. It is featured in the picture below.

On the top is the Mint Chocolate Chip next to that is Tres Leches followed by Cannoli and last is Strawberry Shortcake

So if you are interested in anything from this amazing baker I am going to post a pic of her info so that if you would like you can get in touch with her. An before I forget these delicious Cake Jars aren't the only things that she bakes creates, she also does custom orders and a delicious Sweet Potato pie 

 I just wanted to share this with everyone because something this amazing should not be kept to ones self. So again if you are interested in anything feel free to email Sue and let her know what you would like. I myself am planning to order another Mint Chocolate Chip cause my niece loved it and maybe a Banana Pudding.

So Until Next Time Geeks....

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Sorry guys...

I know it has been a while and I do mean a while since I have posted anything on my blog and for that I am sorry. I have been really busy with work. Like I always like to say life gets in the way of life.

I know it sucks and  I hate to admit it but it is true. Don't worry though an update is coming along with some new videos and at the same time some new contests. So stay tuned for our new segments and some old. Just trust me the wait will be worth it.

Until Next Time Geeks...

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Our unboxing of the Destiny Ghost Edition on the Xbox One.

Once again like many years before Bungie is the leader in the fall gaming line up. They start the holiday season with the highly anticipated Destiny.

Much like all Bungie games since Halo 3 the game comes in 3 versions this happens to be the hardest version of the game to find.
I was lucky enough to walk into a midnight opening and they had an extra copy of this  version of the game.

This version retails for $149.99 comes with everything that the limited edition comes with a at the same time comes with an awesome figure.

If you enjoyed the video please like subscribe and comment. An dont forget to leave in the comments what you want to see in the next video

Until Next Time Geek.....

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Our unboxing of the new 2014 Elgato Game Capture HD 60.

I know that I normally do an unboxing and review but like I said in the video I have to use the Elgato to review it I havent had the chance to use it yet so stay tuned cause I will be doing a review on it in a few days.

Until Next Time Geeks.,....